

Thursday, June 12, 2014


Ever since Amelia was born I have been a stickler for naps. My kids will not miss a nap because that is my only time of sanity all day long. Period. End of story. ...

The thing is, my kids are getting older and where as I dare not say things are getting easier, going out requires significantly less effort than it did a few months ago. So today I did the unthinkable. I let them skip nap time to go on a play date to the splash pad. And guess what? We survived. Truth being, my sanity doesn't need as much nap time as it needs quality time. I realized today that a little sunshine, some water and a whole lotta fun is far more enjoyable than sitting on the couch regaining my composure. Because this, is good for my soul. 
 It was only 69* when we got there. A bit chilly to play in the water, but once they got in they forgot about the cold.
It was a good day. And tomorrow? Naps as regularly scheduled. I'm not that adventurous. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Baseball Games

Hi there. Is anyone still around? It's been five months since I've updated this blog. Five. Months. If you would have asked me yesterday how long it had been I would have said, "Oh, about two months. Three tops." I guess what they say is true. Time flies. One of these days I might get around to updating you all on our lives and where we've been. I think I may have a free moment in about 18 years. Until then, lets talk baseball. 

Yesterday, Kaden and Myles each had their first baseball game. 
If you're curious about baseball at this age, it goes something like this:
Kaden had no interest in playing at first. He was very nervous about the rain and sun and where to run. Once he got there, he did great. And even had some fun. PS I absolutely will not be taking credit for his high wasted shorts. 
Finley was the assistant to the assistant coach Craig,
and Amelia was the number one fan and cheerleader
In reality, Finley just wanted to play. He chased Kaden all the way down the first base line.
And crashed Myles's game too.

Last night, we went to watch the big boys play.
 And by watch, I mean not pay a bit of attention.