

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

For the Love of Books

We are library people. Well, to be fair, it was Brian. He was a library person long before I was. When I used to work (yes, for those who don't know, I recently quit my job to stay home with the kids... More on that later. Maybe.) Brian would take the boys to the library. It was their thing. Then, suddenly, I was the one home with them, and Brian would say, "Why don't you guys go to the library?" At first I felt like a fraud, it wasn't really my gig, I didn't know what to do with my hands. I'm joking, it wasn't quite that traumatic. I started taking the kids this summer and decided we needed a library bag. I mean, who doesn't need a library bag? And so it was decided, we were going to make a library bag! Whoo-hoo! After a couple months of procrastination, I ventured into Hobby Lobby and collected my supplies.
A bag, some fabric markers and a cut 'n iron-on thingy. I should warn you, I'm not the crafty type. Nonetheless, we gathered our supplies and got to work. I cut out a lopsided heart while the boys colored their masterpieces.
I should warn you, never let a toddler color with fabric markers while wearing fabric. It doesn't end well. Also, try not to get distracted and thus allowing said toddler to color on the fabric his baby sister happens to be wearing.
After the boys were good a colored out, I did my part. I must say, I think I like their side better.
Kaden got to add his decorations after school. He drew a house and some polka dots. 
Once it was all put together, we loaded it up and put it to use.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The Beginnings of Fall

Sweater dresses. Tights. Leg warmers. Cardigans. Oh how I just love fall with a little girl to dress up. 
We jumped into this weekend full on Craig style. Busy. Friday was the Dragon Dash. Our first ever school fundraiser. I happen to hate running. But the others, they love it. The whole family went to show Kaden support and run along with him. 
 Sister was the water girl. 
 And... They're off. 15 laps was the goal for each kindergartener. 15 laps. That's a lot if you ask me.
But nobody asked me. It's probably a good thing too. 12 down, still going strong.
Myles ran along too. He impressed me just as much as Kaden did. 
He kept up with those kindergartners like it was his job. He also made a friend. They even held hands for a while. 
 But, when she tried to give him a high five in front of Daddy someone got shy. 
 This kid nailed it. 19 laps total. Would have done more but time was up. My mama heart is proud. 
Saturday brought us a picnic in the park and a nature walk.
 They love sticks. I love when they hold hands.
 Kaden picked flowers for Amelia. I love that he is her first admirer. Next to Daddy that is.
Sunday. We were invited to go to the Fall Festival by Blake and Amy. Everyone was super excited. Perhaps Finley most of all. 
There were games.
And prizes. Lots of prizes. 
And face painting.
And train rides. 
I've never seen Finley as excited as he was to go on this train. 
Myles had to have green, so he sat in the back. By himself. Happy as can be. In his green car. 
And, of course, there was a hayrack ride.
A good time was had by all. It was the perfect kick start into fall.
I've got big plans for you, fall. And they're gonna be good. You better believe it.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Little Pieces of Summer

I've been dreading the end of summer. Then, yesterday, with the windows open and crisp air, it felt like fall. And, I couldn't have been more excited. With the stores filling up with pumpkin flavored everything and Halloween decorations emerging, I figured this was the perfect time look back on some of my favorite pieces of summer.
There were hikes,
driveway pool parties with neighbor friends,
and perhaps my favorite piece of summer, were the evenings spent outside.