
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
I am lying here in bed at 11:30 thinking that I really should be sleeping... Even more so, that my kids really should be sleeping. It's Monday night and they just got back from a long weekend at Grandma's (Grandpa lives there too, he just doesn't quite have possession of their house). It was a long week and by the time Friday arrived, I was more than ready to ship them off. Maybe I'd even sail away to somewhere they couldn't find me... At least. Not right away. The week started off with a bit of pink eye. It was going around the daycare the previous week but the boys had been home since Thursday. We thought we were in the clear. But. No. Come Monday after being dormant all weekend Myles gets it. Which means, on Tuesday, we have to keep him home from school (we call daycare school. Makes us feel better about life). I thought, hey this could be fun, lounge around and watch movies all morning. Just me and Myles. But. No. Again. (teach me to think things). By Monday night Kaden had also developed pink eye. Which left me with two boys home sick Tuesday. Who weren't really sick. Movies were out. Lounging out. Easy day. OUT. We made it through lunch okay. I put them down for a nap. They started talking and giggling. I ignore them. This is always a very delicate situation. Not easily played. If you go in and acknowledge them they notice your attention. And want MORE. If you ignore them sometimes, just sometimes, they will peacefully put themselves back in bed and fall asleep. This was not one of those days. When I realized I was not going to win the ignore-them battle I went in. I opened the door and... found them both completely naked. And..... Peeing on the floor. I. Was. Furious. They. Thought it was HILARIOUS. Looking back I can see the humor. It's one of those instances where all you can do is shake your head a say, "boys." that's it. There really are no other words to describe it. Boys will be boys. The rest of our week went by. Frankly, I can't remember much else about it. I think that's a good sign. We made it to Friday. And they were excited to go to Grandma's. I was equally excited. If not more so. The weekend came and went. We did awesome kidless things. And then they came home. They came home late tonight. And they were excited to see us. And we were excited to see them. All the naughtiness and frustration from the week before washes away as they wrap their little arms around my neck and feet around my waist and whisper into my ear, "Hi Mommy." and, "Mommy. I missed you." and, "I wove you, Mommy." all without being prompted. So as it is bedtime (or way past) and they don't want to stay in bed because they want to see us; it's hard to refuse. Which is why I am sacrificing precious hours of sleep to let them cuddle up with us in bed. And I know tomorrow will be a nightmare with crabby, sleep deprived toddles. But. For now. We're good.
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