

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Yesterday. I was faced with a big decision. I went to Facebook seeking help and the opinions of others. Let me just say that you all let me down. Where as I appreciate all of the likes you gave my status (which why you guys like that I'm faced with a difficult decision is beyond me) I actually wanted someone to tell me what to do. So I did what most women do when at a crossroad. I asked the hair stylist. You see. Brian wants me to cut Myles' curls off. I happen to love them. I have had several friends and family (and strangers) tell me he looks like a girl. Believe it or not I don't want my little guy running around looking like a girl. Poor kid. But. His curls are part of his personality. I can't imagine him without them. Ya know? 
Ah... What to do. Kaden was easy. "Buzz the sides, trim and blend the top, please." Then it was Myles' turn. "What are we doing for him, mom?" She asked. Ahhh! Panic! What are we going to do? I told her my dilemma. She said, "You can't cut off all the curls.... "Phew... Someone who understands me. "....I'll just go in clean it up, bring up the length a bit, clean it up nicely and he'll still have some curl." I would have been offended that she kept saying it needed cleaned up, but really all I heard was the part about not losing the curls. 
All Myles heard was the part about getting a sucker.

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