It has been one week since I last posted on here. 1 week. Man, a lot can happen in a single week. Everything can change in a single second, yet, it feels like last Tuesday was a lifetime ago. I started thinking about blogging and a sudden wave of guilt crashed over me. I had nothing to say, because I haven't been around much. I felt like I hadn't spent a single second with my kids. Thankfully as I looked back at the pictures on my phone I realized I had been there. Even if I wasn't all there. We didn't do anything exciting or crazy fun, but we spent time together. Mostly lounging around and cuddling.
Wednesday. I don't think I got out of bed all morning. Brian got the boys breakfast and brought me Finley. Myles came and crashed our bed party.
He's is such a loving big brother. (not such a loving little brother however :))
Playing doctor. "He's all fixed!"
Finley drools like a faucet, even Myles has noticed. "Mommy! He's dripping!"
Even Sophie got in on the "cuddles"
The rest of the week is a blur.
But. Finley makes me feel better :)
The boys got to spend the weekend with grandma.
I was happy to get them back on Sunday. But ready to return them once again on Monday:)
I set up the piano so Finley could play.
Kaden told him all about it. He kept asking, "You like this song, Finley?"
It's hard work playing the piano.
Finley was due for his three month pictures. We decided to get family portraits done at the same time. I braved the mall with all three boys to get outfits. I only lost a kid twice. Pretty successful if you ask me.
We got our coordinated spring gear on and headed in. I am usually a punctual person but can't seem to make it on time for my picture appointments. Ever. I'm pretty sure they have me flagged in the system.
This may give indication to how successful our shoot was. We ran out of time to actually look at and order pictures. But I am hoping there is one good one... Just one? Please?
Today I decided, that after a week lounging...
we should do something fun.
Kaden had the same idea. I asked what they were doing. "We just hiding from them monsters. We just having a fun day. We went to Grandma's and to Granny's. In the airport. And we just having fun. We just playing, mommy."
Believe it or not. The sweetness didn't last. I think the monster they were referring to was the monster within. If only he hadn't found my sweet children.
This got them a timeout. I asked Kaden why he was being so naughty, I said, "Where did my good boy go?" He replied, "Myles?"
Then it started raining. I told the boys we could get some paint and do a project after nap. By the time we got home the sun had come up! I couldn't resist a little sunshine. So. I postponed naps. If you know me, you know. I. LOVE. Naps. I also love sunshine.
I feel like I should start singing Jimmy Buffett here. Something about bare feet. I'm sure he has that song.
Better late than never.