

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Yesterday. I was faced with a big decision. I went to Facebook seeking help and the opinions of others. Let me just say that you all let me down. Where as I appreciate all of the likes you gave my status (which why you guys like that I'm faced with a difficult decision is beyond me) I actually wanted someone to tell me what to do. So I did what most women do when at a crossroad. I asked the hair stylist. You see. Brian wants me to cut Myles' curls off. I happen to love them. I have had several friends and family (and strangers) tell me he looks like a girl. Believe it or not I don't want my little guy running around looking like a girl. Poor kid. But. His curls are part of his personality. I can't imagine him without them. Ya know? 
Ah... What to do. Kaden was easy. "Buzz the sides, trim and blend the top, please." Then it was Myles' turn. "What are we doing for him, mom?" She asked. Ahhh! Panic! What are we going to do? I told her my dilemma. She said, "You can't cut off all the curls.... "Phew... Someone who understands me. "....I'll just go in clean it up, bring up the length a bit, clean it up nicely and he'll still have some curl." I would have been offended that she kept saying it needed cleaned up, but really all I heard was the part about not losing the curls. 
All Myles heard was the part about getting a sucker.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Finley likes to help me blog.
As for the other two, I typically employ the TV to babysit them. 


One thing I miss about living in Arizona is baseball. I have spent some time with the Diamondbacks in my day. Even met Curt Schilling's wife once. Oh and one time I sat Randy Johnson when I was working as a hostess.... Didn't realize it was him at the time but still. Pretty much saying that the D-Backs are my boys. And I miss going to their games. Especially the ones with concerts afterwards, but that's another story for another time. Okay I'll tell it now, you twisted my arm. When I was pregnant with Kaden, (not really relevant, but it's my blog and I'll tell it how I want to tell it) I heard that The Peacemakers (formerly known as The Refreshments- anyone outside of AZ know them?)  were playing after the game that night. So. I got excited. Talked my dad and Brian into going to the game with me. We thought it was funny that they weren't making a big stink about The Peacemakers playing after the game. "Are you sure you heard correctly?" they asked. "Yeah, yeah, I heard it on the radio. We're good!" Fast forward a few innings. The announcer says, "The Peacemakers will be playing..." "See I told you!" "...after the game tomorrow night!" "Oh. Whoops.... Anyone want to watch the Diamondbacks tomorrow night?" Let's just say, I still haven't seen them live. Let's just also say (while we're saying things) I had a case of pregnancy brain at the time. It hasn't gone away. Yet. 4 years later. 

Back to the point of this post. Monday night we took the boys to see the Stormchasers. 
Yes. They were wearing Diamondbacks hats. Yes. The other team's color was red. Yes. we looked like traders. 
 We made it all the way through the entire first inning before they got restless. That's pretty good right?
We moved the party to the lawn. They sat still just long enough for a picture. Sorta.
They wanted to throw around their balls. I was nervous they were going to accidentally throw one onto the field. I was having one of those mom moments where we think our kids are better than everyone else's and that they have super powers. Like my kids could really throw a baseball that hard. Come-on-now. 
Actually. Finley probably could. If he wanted to. 
We left just in time to watch the sunset. You're crazy if you think I let my kids miss bedtime. I'm not that suicidal. We stayed for three innings. Thats like one per kid. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My Kids Are Dorks

It's late and I have to get up early. Okay more of the I have to get up early than it actually being too late; but either way I should be in bed. It's just that we had a good night tonight. It's gearing up to be summer which means it's still light when I get home from work (nothing worse than going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark- stupid winter). Anyways. I got home and took the boys out back to play.
After running (rolling) around a bit Myles decided he wanted to climb and Kaden... Well. Kaden played fetch. With himself. He would throw the ball off the deck. Chase it. Bring it back up to the deck. And. Repeat. What a dork.
After dinner we went on a walk.
I think this was the first time Sophie has been invited since we became a family of five. She did not behave herself. What a bitch.
Fin just rode along.
 The boys got mad at their shadows being all up in their business. "Go away!" they kept saying. 
Then Myles didn't want me to keep walking. "Red light!" he would say. If I moved, he would put his hands up and say, "stay there!" Then he would run up and push me back to my spot. Finally, he decided I could pass. If. And only if. I went through the tunnel. 
Back home we decided to play out front.
Pretty sure Finley and I dominated the family game of "soccer." We did have 9 months of practice. Sorta an unfair advantage. But. We play to win in this family. Obviously. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Finley is far more observant as a baby than the other two ever were. I always wondered what the point of all those baby toys were because K and M never seemed interested. Well. Let me tell you. Finley loves them! He is always grabbing at the thing that goes across his carseat. He wakes up every morning and talks to his bumpers (I know, I know. Bad mom.) so I decided that he needed a mobile. Except when I went to buy one they didn't have anything good:( I decided to make one instead. Now. Before you go off thinking I am all crafty and such. You should know I bought little wall decals to hang from the ceiling.
... And hung them with dental floss and tape. 
But I think they turned out alright...
And Finley seems to like them too!
Maybe it will even keep him occupied in the mornings... 

A Week

It has been one week since I last posted on here. 1 week. Man, a lot can happen in a single week. Everything can change in a single second, yet, it feels like last Tuesday was a lifetime ago. I started thinking about blogging and a sudden wave of guilt crashed over me. I had nothing to say, because I haven't been around much. I felt like I hadn't spent a single second with my kids. Thankfully as I looked back at the pictures on my phone I realized I had been there. Even if I wasn't all there. We didn't do anything exciting or crazy fun, but we spent time together. Mostly lounging around and cuddling.

Wednesday. I don't think I got out of bed all morning. Brian got the boys breakfast and brought me Finley.  Myles came and crashed our bed party.
 He's is such a loving big brother. (not such a loving little brother however :))
Playing doctor. "He's all fixed!" 
Finley drools like a faucet, even Myles has noticed. "Mommy! He's dripping!"
Even Sophie got in on the "cuddles"

The rest of the week is a blur. 
But. Finley makes me feel better :)

The boys got to spend the weekend with grandma. 
I was happy to get them back on Sunday. But ready to return them once again on Monday:)

I set up the piano so Finley could play.
Kaden told him all about it. He kept asking, "You like this song, Finley?"
It's hard work playing the piano. 

Finley was due for his three month pictures. We decided to get family portraits done at the same time. I braved the mall with all three boys to get outfits. I only lost a kid twice. Pretty successful if you ask me.
We got our coordinated spring gear on and headed in. I am usually a punctual person but can't seem to make it on time for my picture appointments. Ever. I'm pretty sure they have me flagged in the system. 
This may give indication to how successful our shoot was. We ran out of time to actually look at and order pictures. But I am hoping there is one good one... Just one? Please?

Today I decided, that after a week lounging...
 we should do something fun.  
Kaden had the same idea. I asked what they were doing. "We just hiding from them monsters. We just having a fun day. We went to Grandma's and to Granny's. In the airport. And we just having fun. We just playing, mommy."
Believe it or not. The sweetness didn't last. I think the monster they were referring to was the monster within. If only he hadn't found my sweet children.
This got them a timeout. I asked Kaden why he was being so naughty, I said, "Where did my good boy go?" He replied, "Myles?" 

Then it started raining. I told the boys we could get some paint and do a project after nap. By the time we got home the sun had come up! I couldn't resist a little sunshine. So. I postponed naps. If you know me, you know. I. LOVE. Naps. I also love sunshine. 
I feel like I should start singing Jimmy Buffett here. Something about bare feet. I'm sure he has that song. 

Better late than never.