Ever since Amelia was born I have been a stickler for naps. My kids will not miss a nap because that is my only time of sanity all day long. Period. End of story. ...
The thing is, my kids are getting older and where as I dare not say things are getting easier, going out requires significantly less effort than it did a few months ago. So today I did the unthinkable. I let them skip nap time to go on a play date to the splash pad. And guess what? We survived. Truth being, my sanity doesn't need as much nap time as it needs quality time. I realized today that a little sunshine, some water and a whole lotta fun is far more enjoyable than sitting on the couch regaining my composure. Because this, is good for my soul.
It was only 69* when we got there. A bit chilly to play in the water, but once they got in they forgot about the cold.
It was a good day. And tomorrow? Naps as regularly scheduled. I'm not that adventurous.