I promised myself that I'd get back into this blogging thing with more frequent posts and what not. And, as always, it's been longer than I intended. As I was sitting down to write this, I got a text from Brian, "those posts in yet?" What? How did he know I was going to update the blog today? Then I realized that he was talking about the fence posts. For our fence. That was supposed to be in three weeks ago. But we won't talk about that right now. Mostly because it gets my hormonal blood pumping and that's not fun for anyone.
So, lets talk about spring. Which is finally here! (well, except today, I'm wearing a sweatshirt and turned the heater back on, but we're pretending) Yay! Last week, when it was nice, I decided to take the boys out to play. Mostly, because I was starting to go a bit nuts being stuck inside small spaces with them. We went to the park.
Finley even ventured away from the swings. Which are his favorite. He usually cries when we take him out.
Myles trying to teach Finley the right way to go down the slide.
But. He would only climb up from the bottom.
That's one way to do it. Never mind the short water fountain on the other side. |
Finley tries desperately to keep up with his big brothers. He usually succeeds. Especially in the wrestling department. He has the hair-pull move mastered.
We went to check out the water. They were playing with sticks. The whole being on the dock without any sort of railing had me one edge.
So, we went to throw rocks. I told the big boys if they got their shoes wet we were going home.
Finley walked right in. All the way up to his shins.
He's lucky he's cute.
And. Then there's this. This is Kaden. After he threw a rock. Check out his form. I showed this picture to the boys and the conversation with Myles went like this:
Myles: What am I doing?
Me: Throwing rocks.
Myles: Oh. And what is Kaden doing?
Me: Throwing rocks too.
Myles: No he's not. Hims doing somethin' else.