

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Car Wash

It's my third blog post today. A bit overkill? Maybe. But. I wanted more to show for July than 2 lousy posts. Since today is the 31st... I figured I had better get started. 
Here is Finley. Sitting like a big boy. The other big boys were at school so he got to ride shotgun. He loved the freedom. And. The old ladies loved his cheeks. On another day, and another trip to Hy Vee, I bought some car soap.
We filled up the bucket and got to work. The boys were excited to help.
Really. They were mostly excited to play with the hose.
They did help wash. Some. I think this back corner got done 37 times. 
Kaden took a different approach. Pizza dough style. Must have learned it from watching his dad bake so many pizzas.
And. Lastly. He got to wash his pride and joy. Today as we were leaving the daycare, he saw a jeep drive by and said, "I drive one of those!" 

Granny and Papa Mike Visit

I have spent a good chunk of my summer thinking about bathing suits. Naturally. I decided I was going to work hard to get my body bathing suit ready(I've had three kids, shut up). I did pilates. 5 times. Myles wanted to do it with me. I got him his own mat. He tried. Sorta. 

And then it was 11:55 on Monday evening, and I should have be sound asleep. But. Instead, I was picking up my mom at the airport. My parents love that flight. I'm not even sure I know what the airport looks like in the daylight. But as much as I complain, we were excited. As were the boys. And the dog. Maybe the dog most of all. 
Myles thought he should get ready for her arrival. Didn't want to look like a sloppy punk with hair in his eyes for his Granny. 
She came and Brian and I worked. She got to spend some quality time with the boys.
Then. One night we all took a walk to the park.
Brian taught them the art of climbing up a slide. I am so proud.
The boys had a great time with their grandparents. So much so, that there wasn't enough time for pictures. This is all you get. They keep saying, "We going to Granny's house tomorrow." Try September. For my High School Reunion. Yes. I'm old. But excited. 

The Days of Summer

Phew. It's been a busy summer. I'm complaining about it and my kids aren't even in school yet. As for this blog, I am so far behind I don't know where to start. I don't know where to end either. And about the stuff in the middle. Well. Crap. All I know is that when the summer started I had time. And now. I don't. The sad thing is, not much has changed. Well. Except that as these children get older they demand more attention. And they need things. Like exercise. Blah. 
And suddenly my easy going baby is on the move. And he has decided that he doesn't care too much for sleeping any more. Which means a good portion of my day is spent putting up and taking down baby gates.
He still likes to hangout under furniture. Oddly enough. It's his thing. We all have our things. Mine happens to be getting my children to take simultaneous naps. His thing and my thing aren't meshing at the moment (I type this with one hand as I am swatting his away from the keyboard and mouse).

Back to this summer... We took a trip to the zoo. I know. I know. We go all the time. But this time was extra fun because we brought along some friends.
Our friends, AJ and Cole, are very advanced for their age when it comes to their "cheesing skills." Both Kaden and Myles were saying, "Cheese!" if you can believe it. Apparently there was a hidden camera in the rocks somewhere. 
 We got to see the bears at feeding time. This is Ho Ho (the other bear was Twinkie). He stood in the tree waiting for his turn (my kids could learn from his example) and caught even piece of fruit thrown at him. He also peeled and ate every piece (My kids could also learn from this).
Kaden and Myles heard that bears also like to eat fish. So they decided to share their goldfish crackers.

The following week, we went to Adventureland!
We drove by windmills and cornfields. Hello Iowa. The boys thought that corn grew on trees. That thought launched a thirty minute conversation of what grows where. We're ready to be farmers now. 
I told them to give me a thubs-up for Adventureland.
Kaden tried to teach him. 
Finley chilled.
 If you've read my past blog you'll know that typically, Myles is the fearless one. Kaden is usually very shy and timid. Which is why it surprised us when the very first thing Kaden did was go on the pirate ship ride (the big boat that swings back and forth and goes up so high you feel like you'll fall right out... you know the one). I went with him and held my breath in anticipation. I was waiting for him to freakout and start crying or vomiting all over. Neither happened. He sat there taking it all in, never said a word. Until the ride was over. I said, "Kaden, did you like it?" And he goes (with big eyes), "Yeah. It was a little bit scary." He rode every ride possible from then on. 
Myles. On the other hand. Stayed back. Wasn't interested in rides. But he won a frog. 
We had a great time. The boys had so much fun that they couldn't muster up enough energy to walk themselves out of the park. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sanity Day

The older boys have been acting out a bit due to our summer schedule and lack of attention from me(they don't see me most days other than in the car home from school and off to naps). They haven't taken a nap in over 3 weeks that wasn't preceded by a minimum of 2 hours worth of kicking and screaming and pure naughtiness. Insert mom guilt here. Today I decided to keep them home from school in attempt to save my sanity. Also so I could spend some quality time with my attention deprived children.
Our day started with a bit of ink. Kaden's got like 4 tats right now. He's totally cool. Finley is looking to take over Myles' role as the tough one.
We also took a trip to the park. Even though they were naughty at Target. In the name of sanity day, I kept calm and didn't hold a grudge. Finley loved the swings. It was his first time (Amy, don't you dare burst my bubble). I bought the big boys shovels. Which were never actually used for digging. Just as companionship up and down the slides.

As I was cooking lunch I turned to yell at Sophie to get out of the groceries. 
What? I didn't do anything....
As it turns out... It was my other four-legged walker. 
Today was all about K and M. Even if my pictures don't reflect it. It wasn't for lack of trying however. Plus Fin is just fun to photograph.  
Success! Phew! And look... I even had time to blog about it:)

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunday Funday

Before I start, I want to assure you that no children were hurt in the making of this blog. 

It was another hot summer day, as most of them are turning out to be, and we decided to let the boys play in the water. All they had to do was pick up the books in their room and 4 toys in the basement. Do you know how long it can take a toddler to pick up four toys? 2 hours. 2 hours filled with kicking, screaming, tears (mine more than theirs) and toddler logic, "But, I just can't because......" But they did it. And we put on our suits and some tunes and headed out. 
Kaden was a little timid getting started. He likes to ease into things. 
Myles is the fearless one. No need to start with one toe in, when you can dive head first. 
Daddy helped Kaden loosen up a bit. 
And we wonder why our kids are so rambunctious.
We got Kaden's new birthday toy out. Daddy showed them what to do. 
It was their first time. They still weren't quite sure what to do. So they tried running down. Then they slipped. And then they slid.
And then Daddy gave them a little nudge.  
Finley watched and played from the deck until it was his turn. He went down with me. And no. There isn't a picture because it involves me. In a bathing suit. Which is something no one wants to see three kids later.
 After our water adventures we went in. Dad taught the boys how to make tortilla masks. 
Finley played in his play pen. The boys thought he looked bored. So they brought him a few extra toys.